If you have been at a show lately you might have noticed a random cookie jar at the merchandise table. By the end of the night we try fill it with cash and then we give it directly to a great cause. In this way our “get together” at a show makes a big difference. At the moment our target is to raise R72 000 to ensure schooling for some underprivileged kids. We are now at the R25 000 mark thanks to you guys! I cannot tell you how great it feels to walk into the bank with my weird cookie jar and depositing the money on your behalf!
Last week I walked into the bank with my cookie jar and again enjoyed the strange looks people gave me. When I arrived at the teller – Nosipo was her name – she was intrigued by the strange jar in the bank.
When I arrived at the teller – Nosipo was her name – she was intrigued by the strange jar in the bank. I just said “it’s for charity; we are sending some kids to school.”She smiled and helped me count all the loose change. Then she pulled out her wallet and took out R20 and added it to the pile of notes. Then she looked up at me and said: “At one point I needed it myself.”
I was blown away….Usually banks only take money…lol!
It was such a great moment for me. I don’t know Nosipo’s story, but I could not help but wonder where she comes from and what obstacles she had to overcome to now be working in the bank as a Teller.
Surely we all have similar stories if we took the time to look back?
Where someone helped us along the way. What really inspired me about Nosipo is that she had not forgotten the help she had been given. She remembers it and it drives her to take out her own wallet and put her own hard earned cash into a simple cookie jar.
You know what? It does not matter who you are in this world. We all need a little help sometimes.
I want to thank you guys for being part of the cookie jar movement….you inspire me!